
Hoodies contd

Who grassed us up then?

I bet it was that bloody cat

You cover me Murphy while I finish chewing this skirting board, that'll give them something to moan about

More antics from the hoodies

So what makes you think that I had anything to do with the paint on the landing carpet?

I get the blame for everything in this house

The boy's as guilty as hell!!!!

Never trust a human

Hop in the car, she said, let's go for a little drive she said, the next thing we know we are waking up in the vets with no 'bits' and these silly hoods on

Don't worry Bella your safe now

The bloody stiches are itching like crazy. Bella give them a lick will you

Go easy girl I can't breath!!!

Quick Bella get behind these plants and I'll try and get your hood off before she spots us